

In 1931, the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers was created, along with it the Department of Physics too. The founder of the department is I.A.Shvedov. Since 1931, the department was managed by an associate professor Jacobson. After the end of the great Patriotic war, such qualified teachers as Dolmatov M.I., Karsovnik M.Z., Sogtay E.P. and others came to the department to work. Since 1947, lessons were conducted in two languages ​​at the department: in Russian and Uzbek. Since 1956, Abdusamatov Kh., Dusmatov S.Zh., Ismoilov N. Since 1961, an associate professor Dolmatov K.I. head the department, from 1975 to 1985 – Assoc. Domoryad I.A. Since 1985, professors and doctors of sciences came to work, for example, since 1985 V.M. Belenky was in charge of the department, and in 1992, a professor M.A. Toirov head the department, and since 1998 – a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences M.F. Ochilov.

Currently, the department employs qualified scientists, researchers and experienced teachers, who should be noted that in the course of its activity the department is one of the leading methodological centers for the training of qualified personnel, where a number of advanced techniques have been developed and distributed throughout the republic. For the first time in Uzbekistan, lessons were held through televisions installed in auditoriums (15 televisions were installed in auditorium No. 422) from the “TITE Television Center” (founder an Assoc KI Dolmatov), ​​which can be called the early appearance of modern multimedia lectures.

In scientific research laboratories, along with the preparation of all laboratory facilities, work was carried out on the basis of an economic contract with manufactural organizations, including railway ones, the main responsibility of which during these years was on T.L. Gotglyf, L.I. Chernova and Andreeva. For the first time, a “frontal” method of performing laboratory work was introduced at the department and has been successfully used for many years, which is evidenced by the manufacture of each laboratory unit in 10 copies with the aim of performing them frontally, that is, at the same time by all students individually.

At the same time with the educational process, the department conducted research work on the effects of laser beams and ionization radiation on various mediums. During the management period by professors V.M. Belenky and M.F. Ochilov, the department was equipped with laser systems that serve the implementation of educational laboratories at a high level, as well as a wider study of laser technologies and their introduction into production. The teaching staff of the department regularly participated in seminars, conferences and symposiums of international, republican and institute staff with their scientific reports.

Since 2008, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Umarov A.V., under whose leadership the methodology of teaching physics has been widely developed using innovative pedagogical technologies, including all educational laboratories enriched with wall, visual and methodological aids that contribute to the successful completion of students’ laboratory work. Supporting cards and multimedia lectures were introduced into the teaching of physics.

On the basis of the department, a virtual laboratory was organized, equipped with 11 computers that allow you to perform laboratory work in all areas of physics (including atomic physics, too).

 The department participated in competitions of state grants for the implementation of applied research and in 2009 won a three-year state grant with a total of 10 million soums and began research on the topic “Research and the integrated production of thick-walled resistive composite materials”.

Huge work was also done to ensure the active participation of members of the department at conferences and seminars. For example, during the 2008–2011 academic years, members of the department published 15 teaching aids, 5 scientific articles and 52 abstracts, with participation in 5 international and 16 republican conferences. An electronic library of the department was created.

The department’s staff also actively participated in public works, so in March 2010, a city seminar of the departments of physics of higher technical educational institutions of the city of Tashkent was held on the basis of the department, and a council of heads of departments of physics was created, for which the departments of physics of TUIT and TITE were chosen as the basis. Since 2011, the faculty of these departments have been working on the creation of an educational and methodological complex in physics for higher technical educational institutions.

In 2012, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, an associate professor B. Mirsalikhov was appointed the head of the department. under his leadership, the department developed the teaching of physics on the basis of innovative pedagogical technologies, created the optimal number of laboratory works for frontal execution in all groups in the sections of mechanics, molecular physics and electricity.

The final set of multimedia lectures on physics for the I and II semesters of academic year in Russian and Uzbek languages ​​has been formed. The number of laboratory works in the Electromagnetism and Optics sections was increased.

In 2013, an associate professor Saidov B.M., an assistant Sultanhodzhaev G.Sh. and a young specialist Makhmudov A.A were taken to a permanent work.

In 2012, a one-year state grant was won for a total amount of 25 million soums on the topic “Creation of composite polymer insulators for an air power transmission system and their contacts”.

International relations: the department maintains scientific and pedagogical ties with leading higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the republic and abroad, including: A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (Department of methods of teaching physics), Petersburg State University of Railway Transport ( Department of Physics), National University of Uzbekistan (Department of General Physics, Methods of Teaching Physics and Atmosphere), Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Department of Physics), Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Department of Physics), Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction (Department of Physics and Mathematics), Tashkent State Pedagogical University (Department of Physics), Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation (Department of Physics and Chemistry), as well as scientific Research Center “Science and Development” at the Tashkent State Technical University, Research Institute “Microelectronics” at the “Uzeltehsanoat”.

In 2015, a 3-year state grant was won in the total amount of 50 million soums on the topic “Development of polymer metal-filled composite materials for the electrical industry”.

Since September 2017, the department has taken on a permanent job as an assistant Sajtjanov Sh.N.

Since September 2018, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L.F. Pulatova, assistants Kurbonov H.M., Valikhonov N.K. have begun their work.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, a set of laboratory work was purchased by the “Zarnitsa” company of the Russian Federation and prepared for the new academic year.

Since September 2019, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor A. Umarov and assistant Daminov S.A. has been accepted to the department for permanent work.