Notes and useful advices
When you go to study every day, the first thing you need to do is paying attention on main thing. Of course, resemblance. Your service clothes should be clean and ironed. Always keep in mind that your hair cut should be short, combed and your beard must be shaved. Because, who sees you in the streets and public transport will proud of you. The fact that everyone looks at you with enthusiasm is a great assessment.
Sew pagon, the emblems correctly in the service clothes. Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to wear a service uniform mixed with civilian clothes.
Do not forget that your walking, wearing service clothes correctly and being tidy will cause to increase in respecting and confidence to all students!
When coming to study, first of all greetings with teachers and students – it indicates that you are decent and educated.
Additionally, make yourself a habit of not being late for studying. Keep yourself constantly pressed. A student who has a thorough knowledge of his task will never be interested and will not interfere with work which does not belong to him.
Do not interfere students with sentences which does not belong to study after the starting of study time. If the case out of the advisory work, apply to “please, can I ask you” or “can you help me” . Do not forget that speaking out loudly in the training room will cause to interrupt others opinion.
Respect senior staff in the territory of the Institute and beyond. It allows you to know about human peculiarity and rule.
Know your place in every gathering, in the meetings or just in the conversations. Say a justified and correct word or, on the contrary, believe in someone’s speech, refrain from saying word which is inappropriate.
Try to help every student who asks you for help, as much as you can. If you can’t help, at least answer with two sweet words.
Do not tear off the documents of your roommates without permission of the responsible authority or emergency services.
Know that it is your duty to take care about your course mate when he is ill. Do not forget that the person who is ill needs your a sweet word, rather than a doctor’s treatment and the arrival of his family members.