
The Department was formed during the formation of the Institute. Initially, it was called the Department “Languages”, which consisted of sections of Russian, English, French and German languages.
In 1947-1977 the Department was headed by Ph. D. N., associate Professor Markanova F. A.. At the Department were experienced teachers: L. N. Stetson, S. A. Mikhailov, E. I. Seleznev, F. A. Markanov, A. M. Averyanova, Shapkina, T. M., I. V. Alekseeva, V. A. Bykovtsev, J..E. Gutenmacher, O. G. Kudabekova, V. V. Tikhonov, Lavrik I. A.,Buoys, Mn. etc.
In the period from 1977 to 2013. the Department was headed by Doct.N. G. G. Gafurov (1977 -1994.), Phys.N., associate Professor M. G. Kamilova (1994 – 1998), M. A. Kanatova (1998 – 2001), Phys.N., associate Professor G. S. Mukhitdinov (2001 – 2010), senior lecturer K. I. Huseynov(2010 – 2013), 2014-present the Department is headed by S. G. Mustaeva
In order to improve the quality of training students in linguistic disciplines since 1998, the Department of “Languages” was split into the Department of foreign languages, which was led by PhD.N., associate Professor, Honored worker of national education of the Republic of Uzbekistan mukhitdinova, G. S. and Uzbek and Russian languages chair was headed by PhD.N., associate Professor M. M. G..
By the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Law “on Education” and the National training program in 2008 under the leadership of associate Professor Kamilova M. G. and with the support of the rector of the Institute was held Republican scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of teaching language disciplines in technical universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the main problem of which was the problem of the acceptability of language teaching
In 2010, there were – inter-University seminar on “Educational terminoder in their chosen specialty,” and in 2012 “Interuniversity scientific – methodical conference “Actual problems of teaching scientific style in the process of teaching linguistic disciplines.” The performances of the participants were reflected in the published collections of those years.
In 2010, by a special order of the rector of the Institute 2 departments – ” Uzbek and Russian languages “and the Department” Foreign languages ” were United. The head of the Department was appointed Huseynova K. I..
On the initiative of the head of the Department held monthly interuniversity scientific and methodological seminars. At these seminars, teachers make presentations, which raises topical issues of language teaching in non-linguistic Universities.
In 2014, the Department was headed by a young specialist Mustaeva GS under her leadership also carried out various activities in accordance with the approved work plan of the Department, which are of great interest to both teachers and students. The work of methodological and research areas has been revived. Teachers of the Department began to publish their works in the collection of HAC, and in foreign, California (Khalikov, L. M. M. T., M. A. Tashpulatova) “Individual Differentiated Approach in Teaching Foreign languages in not language high school.”M. M. G., M. A. Tashpulatova
Under her leadership, the teachers of the Department participated in the organization of the seminar “the Study of foreign languages and their role in the railway system” timed to the 20th anniversary of the state joint stock railway company “Uzbekiston Temir Yullari”, which carried out the international management division in cooperation with our Institute.
The activities of the Department “Languages”
Teachers of the Department pay great attention to the training of both bachelors and masters. With the direct support of the Institute’s management, special classrooms, computer classes were created, where the necessary for work in the conditions of application of new pedagogical technologies and educational and methodical literature were collected. The Department has created a multimedia audience, where teachers of the Department constantly conducted multimedia lessons and presentations.
For high-quality training of future specialists, the Department pays attention to creative types of work: from the first year to the end of the University are taught the skills of independent work with foreign scientific and technical literature, students are involved in scientific and methodological and scientific conferences, as well as the protection of the diploma in a foreign language. They actively participate in the work of the Republican round of subject Olympiads.
The Department organized a mini-library of foreign literature in the original, purchased video and audio CDs on all taught languages for use in classroom and extracurricular activities.
Much attention is paid to strengthening ties with the departments of foreign languages of related Universities, such as: Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbek state University of world languages, Tashkent Institute for the design, construction and operation of roads.
The result of many years of collaboration with the special departments of the Institute were Russian – Uzbek dictionary of railway terms under the editorship of Professor, doctor of technical Sciences A. I. Odilhodjaeva, T., “Fan”, 2008. This work continues in the spec. departments in the form of educational dictionaries on specialties (Raupov U. et al. ” Transport qurilishining izohli lug’ati»)
“Manual on teaching the Russian language” (including the railway vocabulary), So “Fan”, 2009. This Handbook has withstood the competition for the best book and study guide 2010 and the author (M. M. G., radjapova N. A. Zakirova R. M.) was awarded with author’s certificates and diplomas. This publication is included in the list of basic literature of the standard program in the Russian language for technical universities of the Republic in 2017.
The Department takes an active part in the social life of the Institute, organizes creative meetings of students with prominent scientists, writers, holds theatrical evenings with students in the state, English languages. Every year, the Institute holds A day-holiday of the Uzbek language, events dedicated to the anniversaries of Alisher Navoi, Zahriddin Babur, “AIDS plague of the 21st century”. Teachers and students perform at gala evenings of the Institute and participate in sports competitions conducted at the Institute, organize thematic conferences dedicated to the significant dates “Hijron VA vafo, colchici” (Zulfiya Israilova) (In the living room of Pushkin), “V. Shakespeare in Uzbekistan”, etc. Conduct current in their subject matter days of the Department studentchesky the hostel.

Teachers of the department

Mustaeva G.S.

kafedra mudiri

Tel: +99871 299 02 33 Email:

Kamilova M.G.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Filimonova L.Yu


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Toshpulatova M.A.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Mamajonova G.X.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Kurbanova M.M.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Saydivalieva B.S.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Xalikova L.U.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Ismatullaeva I.I.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Miraxmedova Z.E.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Mirobidova M.A.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Achilov O.R.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Nazarov R.I.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Yo‘ldasheva D.M.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Abduraxmonova Z.Yu.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Qurbonova I.Sh.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Ataeva G.B.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Raxmanova Yu.X.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Atadjanova S.B.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Sheralieva D.A.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Yo‘ldasheva M.B.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Abdullaeva R.R.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Radjapova N.A.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Qosimova D.K.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Izzatullaeva N.J.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79

Amanlikova N.R.


Tel: +99871 299 04 79