I am responsible for preventing violations

On January 9, a conversation was held at the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers with the leadership of the Mirabad District Department of Internal Affairs, activists of the Mirabad District Council of Veterans and chairmen of the district community.

The purpose of the conversation is to ensure the implementation of paragraph 28 of the “Program for the implementation of state youth policy in the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of 2019”, as well as questions about the protection of security and public order, the averting crime, offence and their prevention among young people.

The event was led by Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs Dilshod Baratov.

Led by Lieutenant Colonel Samariddin Zainidinov, Head of the Youth Affairs Group, information is provided on the most common types of youth crimes and their causes. He spoke about youth offenses in the Mirabad region.
“The student is an adult and is responsible for their actions,” said Samariddin Zainiddinov. – There are many students from different regions. They got out of the control of their relatives. When a child is properly brought up in a home environment, he knows how to behave, what to do and what not to do. He will not disappoint his family.

Lieutenant Colonel Mironshokh Sadullaev, head of the internal affairs department of the Mirabad district police department, in an open conversation with students, explained with examples that every citizen must follow the rules established by society and be responsible for his social obligations.

The purpose of the meeting was to educate young people who will independently think, respect national and universal values, with strong life beliefs and views that can withstand the negative impact on our national mentality.

Source: News of the department “Spirituality and enlightenment”