We are all responsible for the fight against corruption

Corruption in the education system is a worldwide problem and, unfortunately, not a new phenomenon. It existed before too. But …

Developed and developing countries of the world have already realized that corruption is a direct threat to the stability and national security of the country and therefore they are developing. On May 27, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved the anti-corruption program. The Decree separately emphasizes corruption in the education system.

It is not difficult to realize that today’s student does what he sees, and not what he hears.
Therefore, the introduction of mechanisms for the accountability and transparency of teachers in the learning process, through the organization of measures to comply with ethical principles and ensuring the prevention of conflicts of interest, rooting out the causes and conditions that cause violations of rights related to corruption, should be turned into the main task.

It is also impossible to get rid of this problem until everyone realizes the fact that “corruption is a non-discriminatory phenomenon, it does not separate the guilty and the innocent.

Marufjon Rasulov
A Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers