The Department carries out the educational process in 21 disciplines, including 3 master’s disciplines, participates in the preparation of bachelors in the areas of education 5523200-Information systems (railway transport), 5330200-Informatics and information technology (railway transport), 5521900-Informatics and information technology (railway transport), 5521900-Informatics system (railway transport), 5A340201 ” Design, construction of buildings and structures»
The Department has created an effective system of work with gifted students and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel-there is a system of postgraduate training of candidates of Sciences in two specialties.
Work in the scientific direction is developed:
– “Development of a mathematical model for the calculation of three-dimensional elastic-plastic bodies” (hands. K. F. mmm.N., Assoc. Resoluation.Mmm.);
Currently, we participate in the implementation of The state grant:
No F4-003 “Development of numerical methods of research of processes of deformation and damage viscoplasticity systems under variable loadings»;
Scientific and methodical activity
The staff of the Department showed special activity in scientific and pedagogical activity in the years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During this period, the staff of the Department managed to successfully solve complex problems in the implementation of the law on higher education and the stages of the National training program. The staff of the Department created a modern regulatory and methodological base of the educational process. The national groups provided 100% training in the state language, 60% of the educational literature published in the state language, including the Latin alphabet. Teachers of the Department published textbooks, teaching AIDS, guidelines for various types of training sessions. The most important publications in the last 5 years are: textbooks: Aliyev M. M. “System software”. Textbook, 2010. – 133 S., Aliyev M. M. “Digital computer electronics and microprocessors”; Aliev, M. M., Ibragimov R. I., “Software systems of automation and telemechanics on railway transport”. 2006. 142 p.
All teachers make presentations at scientific and methodological conferences of the Institute.
Standards developed in the direction of 5523200 bachelor degree – Information systems (railway transport) 5330200 – computer science and information technology (railway transport), 5521900 – computer science and information technology (railway transport)
Developed model programs in 18 disciplines included in the standard curriculum of bakalavriata.
The Educational and methodical complexes of 21 academic disciplines are developed and constantly improved.
Special classes are held to improve the pedagogical skills of young teachers
Teachers of the department