The chair was founded on September 1, 1999 on the basis of the chairs “Electrical machines and electric equipment, “Power supply and microprocessor control” and “Locomotives” by merging of the cycles of disciplines on specialties “Electric rolling stock”, “City electric transport” and general technical disciplines of “Electric Engineering”, “Theoretical Foundations of Electric Engineering”, “Electric measurements”. Professors N. M. Usmankhodjayev and G. A. Khromova who directs the chair to the present day was its heads.
The chair trains specialists of electricians in the following directions of preparation of Bachelor’s Degree: ” Electric engineering, Electromechanics and Electrotechnology” and “Surface transportation means”, and also masters degree students on specialties: “Electric transport” and “Locomotives (electric locomotives)”.
Taking into consideration the urgent need for personnel and on the recommendation of Uzbekistan Railways, the chair resumed training specialists in the fields of education, “Electric rolling stock”, and since the 2004-2005 academic year “Electric rolling stock of rail transport”.
The teaching staff has established close scientific relations with chairs “Locomotives”, “Wagons”, “Electric locomotives” and “Strength of materials and structures” of Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg Institute of Transport Engineers, the Kazakh Academy of Transport, with the Kazakh and Kyrgyz Academy of Construction, etc.
Staff of chair takes active part in the International scientific-theoretical conferences taking place in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other CIS countries.
The Chair was the organizer of the 6th Republican scientific-theoretical conference of young scientists on “Surface transport systems” held in Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers (TIRE) and organized in conjunction with TAI.
At the conference, attended by young scientists from 5 universities TIRE, TAI, KazATiK, the Textile Institute and IMiSS Uzbek Academy of Sciences, there have been held 105 reports, including 62 young scientists of TIRE.
In October, 2004 the chair “Electric transport” together with the chair “Basics of machine design” organized and held the international conference in TIRE on the theme: “Actual problems of surface transportation systems”. At the conference reports were made by professors: G. A. Khromova and N. M. Usmankhodjayev, members of the chair, applicants and masters’ degree students. As a result of the conference participants received a lot of information about new trends in the development of transport systems. Considering the cognition of the conference, its participants adopted a resolution on the advisability of holding it once every two years.
At the chair wide research work is conducted. Thus, on the order of Uzbekistan Railways commercial contract “Scientific justification of technical solutions of modernization of electric locomotives VL-60k at capital repairs with extension of useful service” is being fulfilled. International projects: “Development of a generalized dynamic model of oscillation of the electric traction motor of the improved design locomotives”, which is included in the plan of research and development for 2006 on the advice of Railways of the CIS countries.
The centre for Science and Technology of the Coordination Council for Scientific and Technological Development at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan allocated two grants: “The development of methods calculation based on dynamic strength of dampers vehicle of space frame” and “The development of the method based on the dynamic strength of the supporting frames of vehicles to extend the useful life and improve the dynamic qualities”.
The production complex base is equipped with a complex of AOS “ElTrans”, which is a branch of the chair, and also at TashLRP. For the purposes of scientific research and scientific studies experimental platforms and equipment of companies AEO “RemElTrans” and TashLRP are used.
Directions of education of The “Electric transport” Chair
- 5310700 – Energetics, engineering, electromechanics and electric technologies (railway transport)
- 5310600 – Surface rolling stock and its maintenance (electric transport)
Specialty of Master’s Degree 5А310704 – Electrotechnical structures and systems (railway transport)