Scientific activity: the Department has created an effective system of work with gifted students and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel-there is a system of postgraduate training of candidates of Sciences in two specialties: 05.23.05 “Building materials and products” and 05.23.01 – “Building structures of buildings and structures” and doctors of Sciences in the specialty 05.23.05 “Building materials and products”.
The work is divided in three scientific fields:
– structure formation, technology and properties of composite building materials based on mineral, polymer and combined binders (hands. Ph. D., Assoc. Mamataliev E. M.);
– thermal protection of civil buildings (hands. doctor of science, Assoc. Schipacheva E. V.).
– technology and organization of protection of natural and technical systems from exogenous processes (hands. doctor of technical Sciences, Prof.)
Scientific developments of the Department were accompanied by successful training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. During the years of Independence the Department has prepared 5 doctors of Sciences (M. K., Tahirov, T. I. Fazylov, A. I. Odilhodjaeva, Mirakhmedov M. M., Schipacheva E. V.) and 19 candidates of Sciences, led by Professor M. K. Takhirov (11); Professor T. I. Fazylov (3); prof Odilhodjaeva A. I. (2); Professor Mirakhmedov M. M. (2), Ph. D. Schipacheva E. V. (1).
State grants are currently being implemented:
– №EA 14-002 ” development of effective technology of basalt-fiber concrete using local raw materials»;
– No. 14-013 and the “Development of compositions and technologies of producing high strength concrete with ordinary grades of cement, produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, as well as contractual work No. 1 -2012/9 “Organization of the device of coverings of highways with use of biomonitoring rocks.”
Scientific and methodical activity: the staff of the Department showed Special activity in scientific and pedagogical activity in the years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. During this period, the staff of the Department managed to successfully solve complex problems in the implementation of the law on higher education and the stages of the National training program. The staff of the Department created a modern regulatory and methodological base of the educational process. The national groups provided 100% training in the state language, 90% of the educational literature published in the state language, including the Latin alphabet. Teachers of the Department published textbooks, teaching AIDS, guidelines for various types of training sessions. The most important publications in the last 5 years are: the textbook “Kurilish-installation ishlari of technologiese VA ularni tashkil Atis” (Takhirov, M. K., NARS R. A., I. M. Mahmadaliev); “Bino inshootlar thymines VA VA ITA URIs of technologiae” (Mirakhmedov M. M., Bozorboev N., Bozorboev F. N.), “Designing master plans for civil and industrial buildings” (Schipacheva E. V.), “Designing energy-efficient civil buildings in dry hot climates” (Schipacheva E. V.), “Survey and reconstruction of buildings” (Schipacheva E. V., Yu. a. Schipacheva, Shoumarov S. S.), “maintenance of buildings” (Schipacheva E. V., Yu. a. Schipacheva, Shoumarov S. S.)., “Methodology of scientific creativity” (mirahmedov M. M., Takhirov M. K.), “earthquake-Resistant construction” (Shaumarov N. B.).
All teachers make presentations at scientific and methodological conferences of the Institute. Developed standards for postgraduate specialty 5А340204 “the Design of building structures (for railway construction). Typical programs developed for 12 disciplines included in the model curriculum for postgraduate specialty 5А340204. 25 educational and methodical complexes of disciplines are developed and constantly improved. Special classes are held to improve the pedagogical skills of young teachers
Organizational activity:
Mirakhmedov M. M. is actively involved in the “Justification of the Departmental normative documents for design and construction of Railways for the organization of high-speed traffic of passenger trains in the Republic of Uzbekistan»
Schipacheva E. V. Bocharov and L. V. are the official reviewers of educational materials TASI.
Schipacheva E. V. lectures for engineering and technical personnel in Centre of excellence in TASI.
Schipacheva E. V. And H. R. Pirmatov was part of the team of authors involved in the development of curricula, programs, disciplines, and manuals in the UNDP Project on energy-efficient construction.
Prof. Mirakhmedov M. M., E. V. Schipacheva. Assoc. Karimova F. F. were members of the Specialized Council for the defense of dissertations.
Spiritually-educational activity: Professor Bocharova, L. V., Mahmadaliev I. M. Turgunbaev, W. J., Choi B. M., senior lecturer Karabayev, A. M., ass. Shaumarov S. S., Abdullayev U. are curators of training groups.
Discussions with students are constantly held, sports events and visits to exhibitions are organized.
A lecture and film show on “World heritage. Unique technologies and constructions in construction”.
International relations Department: the Department “Construction of buildings and structures” Tashkent railway transport engineering Institute in the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan connects creative and friendly relations with many educational institutions of foreign countries from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, Poland, the Republic of Guinea. So, current and former members of the Department Takhirov, M. K., Odilhodjaeva A. I., T. I. Fazylov, M. M. Mirakhmedov, Schipacheva E. V., who created scientific school, their creative efforts associated with the development of the generally accepted theories of prominent modern scientists and builders: professors Rublev I. A. (Open technical University, byv. All-Union correspondence construction engineering Institute-VISI), Solomatova, V. I., Pershin S. P., Lutsky, S. Y. (Moscow State University of railway engineering MIIT), Khrulyov, V. M (Novosibirsk transport University of NIIIT), Genkina E. A., Komokhov P. G., Prokudin I. V. (St. Petersburg state transport University PGUPS), Pereselencev G. A. (Central research Institute of construction ZNIIS), Asaul A. N. (St. Petersburg State architecture-construction University S. Pbgas), Isaenko (Kazakh Academy of transport and communication KazATC), Taokaka G. N., Rybalsky , Litvinova O. O. (Kiev University of architecture and construction), Omarov A. D. (Kazakh University of transport and communications Kisutch), and others.
The current Professor of the Department and a number of researchers of the Department have defended their PhD thesis on academic Councils of higher educational institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov and other: Schipacheva E. V. (1988, liizht), Usov (1988, liizht), terin V. P. (1989, engineering), A. Bekbulatov (, liizht ), Borisov M. E. (1986 , liizht) Salikhov B. G. (1991, liizht), Dosmatov S. K. (1989, MIIT), Sadykov N.(1990, Kari), Akhmedov D. H. (1992, Soviet Union) and others.
A number of teachers have been working abroad as international experts: Mirakhmedov M. M. (1989-2001, the Republic of Guinea, Kongresni University), Dosmatov S. K. (Afghanistan, technical supervision of construction of railway Hairatan – Mazar-e Sharif).
Members of the Department regularly participate in international scientific conferences in the Russian Federation (MIIT, S. PGUPS, 2002-2010), Poland (Katowice Polytechnic Institute, 2002, 2005), Germany (Weimar University, 2006, 2009), the Republic of Guinea (Caracristi University, 1993, 1999, 2000).
Relations of the Department with production: the Department works closely with industrial enterprises of the Republic. Organized and successfully operated 2 branches of faculty in leading design institutes of the country – “Cortemilia” and ZAO “Spillage”. In these branches conducted training of teachers of the Department, training and qualification practices of students, as well as the selection of raw materials for the implementation of final works with elements of real design.
The Department actively cooperates with scientific and production firm “REGALGLOBESERVICE” (RGS), which is the official and exclusive partner in Uzbekistan, LLC “Polyplast” (Russian Federation). Employees of the Department together with the staff of the company “RGS” carry out research in the field of materials based on mineral binders, introducing into production high-quality modified additives for concrete and fiber concrete based on basalt fiber.
Teachers of the department

Pirmatov Raxmatilla Xamidullaevich
kafedra mudiri, dotsentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

SHipacheva Elena Vladimirovna
professorTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Maxamataliev Erkin Muminovich
professorTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Bocharova Larisa Vasilevna
dotsentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Shoumarov Nigmat Baxramovich
dotsentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Turgunbaev Urunbek Jamalovich
dotsentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Tsoy Vladimir Mixaylovich
dotsentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Karabaev Abdujabbor Melievich
dotsentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Abdullaev Ulug‘bek Xakimovich
assistentTel: +99871 299 03 02 Email:

Sharipova Dilyafruz Taufukovna
assistentTel: +99871 299 03 02