The Department began its activity in 1961 under the name “Automation of telemechanics and communication”. The first head of the Department was the former chief engineer of the Kazan railway A. A. Plotnikov. The heavy task of the organization of educational process, laboratory base on training and release of engineers on a speciality the engineer – the electrician of ways of communication, for the Central Asian railway lay on shoulders.
In subsequent years, the Department was headed by specialists such as A.V. Gudkov. senior lecturer A. V. Mejstrik, associate professors V. E., Korotkevich, F. A. Nazarov, G. R. Rakhmetov, V. G. Strokov, S. R. Khorunov, Professor N. X. Markets that put a lot of effort to strengthen the material-technical equipment of the Department. Many graduates of the Department and its teachers for their selfless work, were awarded state awards, became owners of the title “Honorary railwayman”. A significant contribution to the development of laboratory facilities and invested professors Nazarov, F. A., Strokov V., Rakhmetov G. R., Field, Y. And Aliyev M. M., Khorunov sh. R. Laboratory base of the Department is divided into several cycles, run by the leading teachers of the Department. Disciplines of the Department are directly related to the systems of railway automation and telemechanics, responsible for the safe movement of trains on the stages and stations. The main disciplines are “remote control of switches and signals”, “Remote control system” head Strokov V. G., “traffic control System of trains on the stretch” the head of senior lecturer Mamedov, Z. I., “Special measurements in the W.-D. transport” the head of Korunov S. R.
Modern development of the Department is based on the training of undergraduate specialists, according to the “educational standard of Uzbekistan.”, in the direction ” automation and control (railway transport)”, and also since 2000 of the magistracy in the specialty “Automation and telemechanics on railway transport”. The object of professional activity of the graduate of our Department is production, operation, maintenance and repair of devices and systems of automation and telemechanics of stations, runs of railway, industrial transport and underground.
Mastering the curriculum by students, mastering modern technology of railway automation and telemechanics, development of skills of future practical work in the workplace is impossible without a modern, well-thought-out and specially prepared laboratory facilities. The Department has specialized laboratories in the disciplines Of “remote control of arrows and signals”, “motion control systems on stages”, “Special measurements”, “Theory of automatic control and automation elements” and “Microprocessor systems and devices”. -D. transport.” In the development of educational laboratory facilities and equipment of the training ground, all possible assistance was provided by the center of signalling and communications of the state joint stock railway company “Uzbekiston Temir Yullari”. The modern level of development of science and technology is characterized by a wide introduction in all areas of computer technology. Department “Automation and telemechanics on railway.-D. transport” of Tashiit is no exception. Currently, the educational process in higher education should meet modern requirements. Currently, there are several areas of application of computer technology and information technology in the educational process. The main focus is the development of electronic manuals, test questions, presentations and HTML versions of lecture notes. The second direction is the development of software for virtual laboratory work of the disciplines of the Department. The third direction is the creation of web pages of educational and methodical complex of disciplines of the Department. The main scientific activities of the Department are the study of issues based on the fundamental principle of construction of schemes of railway automation, ie. the most probable damages in the scheme shall lead to the least dangerous consequences. The Department is actively working on the introduction of microprocessor technology in the device of railway automation and telemechanics, the development of a complex of devices for monitoring the state, objects of the CBS, the study of rail circuits, ensuring the reliability of microelectronic devices, the study of the construction of interval control systems in areas of high-speed and high-speed train traffic.
The Department carries out various forms of international cooperation, namely with transport universities of the CIS countries, foreign manufacturers of devices and systems of railway automation. In the leading transport academies of Russia in graduate school increase their scientific level of young teachers of the Department. It should be noted the close cooperation of the Department with the German company SIEMENS, whose employees are frequent guests of the Department. Representatives of this company have repeatedly held public lectures for both teachers and students. A priceless gift is the textbook “Automation and telemechanics on the Railways of the world” given by this company to the Institute, which is popular among our students.
The staff of the Department confidently looks forward to the future, the basis of this confidence is the young replenishment of the Department, because every year the master’s degree and defense of master’s theses promises us more and more talented and gifted young professionals.
Teachers of the department